Shoutcast streaming is a great way to share your gigs for DJ's and performers. Most DJ software supports shoutcast streaming.

For who

  • DJ

    DJ in a club or radio station.

  • Singer artist

    Singer, artist or performer in a live club.

  • Producer

    Producer of music, songs or clips.


Just some numbers...

  • 99,9% uptime
  • 2010 Founded
  • 2,048 Tempus
  • 4 Servers
  • 80 Streams

Streaming Software Settings

Virtual DJ setup


Click on Record on the center of the screen
choose Broadcast tab (left)
click config button
Fill in:
  • Auto-start on
  • Format: MPEG (Shoutcast/Icecast2)
  • Server: Broadcast to a radio server
  • Server: *** *** differs see your note
  • Port: 8xxx (your own port)
  • Name: your name
  • Password: as provided
  • Genre: eg. house, varous

Sam broadcaster setup

Show the encoder window (Window -> Encoders)

Add an encoder (+) and choose MP3 normal.

Choose the quality and format (Fast, 128 kb/s 44,1 kHz, Stereo)

Fill in the 'Server Details' > see image

Winamp setup

You need to download the additional DSP plugin first.
After startup Winamp the 'Nullsoft SHOUTcast Source' window will open automatic.
Fill in the Output tab:

Use your own port number instead of 8002 !!
Optional choose Auto Connect.
To start the upstream click on the Connect button